ponedeljek, 30. januar 2012

NOTD:Pink nail art

I'm still alive=P Just no time for posting, I need all my time for my studying=(

I've seen this design on many, many, maaany nails before, and I wanted to do it for a long time, but never really got to it. But now I had time, so yesterday I did it! I was doing it troughout the day(one layer-one hour of study). Anyways, here it is, yesterday's manicure:

I have to say I'm really proud of this! The design turned out great! But unfortunatelly you can see where my top coat dragged the black polish=( I was so sad when I saw this. That's why I know I won't be wearing this for long. Do you know what top coat doesn't do stuff like this??
I really wanted to make a gradient butterfly, I hope you can see that on the pictures=) It was clearly visible IRL.
Does anyone know whose idea was this? I know many ladies re-created this and I'd love to know who was the first that came up with this idea=)
Oh, and here are the polishes used for this manicure:

Do you like it?

Thanks for reading,

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